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Microsoft TEAMS

Students will be engaged daily in remote learning through the use of Microsoft Teams. Teachers will implement standards-based instruction which includes synchronous and asynchronous instruction. A variety of engaging activities will include whole group instruction, small group opportunities, and assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery. Please visit the district website ( to learn more about the URL Learning Platform and how instructional technology will be utilized during remote learning.



1) Always use the TEAMS App

  • Enter TEAMS using the TEAMS icon on the FCS laptop
  • Do not log in using ClasLink or you will be in the browser
  • If you are using a home device, download the TEAMS App

2) Browser vs. TEAMS App

 App has more functionality because you are making a direct connection.

  • Browser (i.e. ClassLink) uses "the cloud."
  • May not be able to use "chat" in the browser, participate fully, and have sound issues.
  • How do I know if I am in the browse? You cannot blur or change your backgrounds.

3) Back-up Option!

 Download these Microsoft Apps on your phone for free: TEAMS, OneNote, Outlook.

  • TEAMS App on the phone is a good backup if you have internet connectivity issues at home. You can use data to connect, please check your plan first.
  • OneNote App and TEAMS are used together. It may be helpful to open one on the phone and the other on your laptop.




QUESTION:  What if Teams won’t connect?


  • Please make sure you are in the TEAMS App and try again.
  • Consider downloading the TEAMS App on a phone, if your child has one.


QUESTION:  What if they get the message, needs to be admitted to class


  • Teachers are getting better at recognizing this, please bear with us.
  • If you cannot get in, please email the teacher. However, the teacher may not see the email until later.


QUESTION:  What if they keep getting kicked out of the class.


  • Please try to get back in again!
  • Deep breath, be patient.
  • Please let the teacher know that you missed instruction.
  • Consider opening TEAMS on your phone in the App as a backup. Hopefully, your family has an unlimited data plan.
TEAMS giving you issues?  Try the following:
  1. Use your FCS laptop and use the TEAMS icon on the desktop of the laptop.
  2. App not working, try to log in using ClassLink using the browser.


If you are using a personal device at home:
  1. Download the TEAMS App your device for maximum connection and features
  2. If you use ClassLink, use Chrome as your browser.
  3. Older Macs tend to have issues with TEAMS in general.