- 32 years in education
- 16 years teaching elementary school
- 10 years teaching middle school
- 3 years as a Literacy Coach
- 3 years as a Program Specialist in Professional Learning and Leadership Development
- Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education
- Master’s Degree in Middle Grades Educatio
- Education Specialist Degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Gifted Certified
- ESOL Certified
AVID – “Advancement Via Individual Determination” is an in-school academic support program that prepares students for college and entry and success. Students in grades 6-8 who are accepted into the AVID Elective/Connections’ classes will enter a specialized college and career prep experience. AVID Elective/Connections’ students will receive daily instruction and support to prepare for college and career from a specially trained AVID Elective teacher, AVID trained teachers in content areas on their grade level, and an AVID Site Team.
AVID students will participate in a rigorous academic curriculum that explores WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading). AVID students participate in weekly tutorial sessions in which they seek support and support other students in clarifying “Points of Confusion” from their academic classes. AVID students set goals, monitor academic progress, and determine steps to further their success. Throughout the year, they grow their relational capacity, learn time and materials organization and management, research colleges and careers, and tour college campuses. The end goal of the AVID Elective/Connections’ class is to develop student agency so students can monitor their learning, set goals, and implement steps towards mastering those goals to become college and career ready.
It’s AVID Recruitment Time!!
Advancement Via Individual Determination, AVID, is a sixth through twelfth grade program that prepares students in the academic middle to be college and career ready. Students take an AVID elective course throughout middle school and high school that provides them with the skills needed to be successful in advancing academically with the ultimate goal of attending college. For more than 25 years AVID has been instrumental in preparing students for success in higher education.
Application packets may also be picked up in the Media Center, Front Office, or from Mrs. Okiyama in Room A-151
Application process includes:
- Parent questions with signature
- Student questions with signature
- 3 Teacher recommendations (Language Arts, Math, and one other subject)
- Individual interviews (Nov. 6-12)
Students should return the completed application to Mrs. Okiyama, Room A151, by November 1, 2024.
Application process:
- October 23 – Information Meeting for Parents online.
- November 1 - Students turn in completed family information form and short answer form
- November 1 - Teachers submit recommendation form
- November 6-12 - Students participate student interviews
PARENT WORKSHOP FOR ALL PARENTS AND FAMILIES ON THE AVID SCHOOL-WIDE PROGRAM ON NOVEMBER 7TH. This AVID WICOR Parent Workshop will teach parents how their children can use AVID strategies at school and at home to increase their writing and study skills.